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Как делать анализ английского текста

Stylistic analysis — Стилистический анализ

В данном материале приведены выражения, которые используются при стилистическом анализе текста.

1. The story is written in a matter-of-fact (tragic, ironic, humorous, epic, satirical, elevated, etc.) tone (style, key).
История написана в прозаическом (трагическом, ироническом, юмористическом, эпическом (героическом), сатирическом (насмешливом), благородном и т.п.) тоне (стиле, ключе).

2. The story is written with a touch of irony/The story is tinged with irony (tragedy, sadness, humour, epos, satire, etc.).
История написана с оттенком иронии (трагедии, печали, юмора, эпоса, сатиры и т.п.).

3. The text/passage under analysis presents .
Текст/Отрывок в рамках данного анализа представляет .

4. The author employs a number of stylistic devices that produce . effect.
Автор использует ряд стилистических приёмов, которые производят . эффект.

5. The author links . to . ; the author likens . to a human being.
Автор связывает . с . ; автор уподобляет . человеку.

6. The author employs .
Автор употребляет .

7. The author enhances the desired effect with the help of .
Автор усиливает желаемый эффект с помощью .

8. The author imposes his perception of the thing described on the reader.
Автор навязывает своё восприятие вещей читателю.

9. These epithets daze the emotional force they carry.
Эти эпитеты ошеломляют своей эмоциональной силой.

10. The powerful effect produced by these expressive means is unquestionable.
Мощный эффект, производимый этими выразительными средствами, не подлежит сомнению.

11. The author’s object in employing these stylistic devices is quite evident.
При использовании этих приёмов, цель автора вполне очевидна.

12. . is described in a few masterful strokes.
. описан несколькими мастерскими штрихами/в нескольких чертах.

13. Due to the vivid stylistic colouring .
Благодаря яркой стилистической окраске .

14. . draws the reader’s attention to .
. привлекает внимание читателя к .

15. The author emphasizes .
Автор подчёркивает .

16. The author lends some stylistic colouring to the description of the man’s portrait.
Автор прибегает к использованию некоторых стилистических окрасок для описания портрета человека.

17. . contribute largely to the vividness of . representation.
. в значительной степени способствуют живости (яркости) . представления.

18. This device colours the utterance emotionally.
Этот приём подчёркивает эмоциональность высказывания.

19. This stylistic device aims at a mocking effect.
Этот стилистический приём направлен на эффект насмешки.

20. The humorous effect is achieved by .
Юмористически эффект достигается путем .

21. The metaphor strikes the reader with its vividness and makes him feel .
Эта метафора поражает читателя своей живостью (яркостью) и заставляет его чувствовать .

22. The desired effect is strengthened by . (is more enchanted by . )
Желаемый эффект усиливается путем . (становится сильнее за счет . ).

23. The similes the author resorts to make the description far too picturesque and very illustrative.
Сравнениями автор добивается очень живописного и показательного описания.

24. This metonymy may be interpreted as the author’s attempt to .
Данная метонимия может быть истолкована как попытка автора .

25. These devices help to depict .
Эти приёмы помогают изобразить .

26. The author’s irony is directed at .
Авторская ирония направлена на .

27. Within this phrase we can see some other expressive means.
В рамках данной фразы мы можем видеть некоторые другие выразительные средства .

28. The author strives for a . effect.
Автор стремится к . эффекту.

29. The humorous effect is achieved by the incongruous combination of the solemn form and insignificant meaning.
Юмористический эффект достигается путём нелепого сочетания торжественных и маловажных форм.

30. Here the author bursts with emotions. He is unable to conceal his feelings towards his own creation and pours on him the full measure of his disgust (sympathy, love, etc.)
Здесь автор взрывается эмоциями. Он не в силах скрывать свои чувства по отношению к своему собственному творению и выплескивает их на него в полной мере (сочувствие, любовь и др.)

31. This is the case of climax. The sentences are so arranged that each of the consecutive sentences is more important, more significant and more emotionally coloured than the preceding one, all of them forming a chain of interdependent elements.
Это момент кульминации. Предложения расположены таким образом, что каждое последующее из них является более важным, более значительным и более эмоционально окрашенным, чем предыдущее, все они формируются в цепочку зависимых друг от друга элементов.

32. The starting point of the climax is . /the peak of the climax is . /the climax serves to .
Отправной точкой кульминации является . /пиком кульминации является . /кульминацией служит .

33. The denouement is unexpected.
Развязка неожиданная.

34. The idea of the passage is as follows / may be summed up in the following words).
Идея текста (отрывка) выглядит следующим образом . /может быть выражена следующими словами .

35. The idea lies on the surface.
Идея лежит на поверхности.

36. The analysis would be incomplete if we did not touch upon man’s individual speech.
Анализ был бы неполным, если бы мы не коснулись индивидуальной речи человека.

37. The author individualizes his character’s speech for a definite purpose. By doing this he gives us some additional information concerning his character. It shows .
Автор индивидуализирует речь своего персонажа для определенной цели. Делая это, он даёт нам некоторую дополнительную информацию о его характере. Он показывает .

38. The syntax of the dialogue is very simple; plenty of . make the speech expressive and emotionally coloured.
Синтаксис диалога очень прост; большинство . делает речь выразительной и эмоционально окрашенной.

39. The narrative part of the story is illustrative of literary-bookish English. It contains bookish words (ex.), long sentences with different participial and gerundial constructions (ex.).
Повествовательная часть истории иллюстрирует литературный английский язык. Она содержит книжные слова (например: . ), длинные предложения с различными причастиями и герундиальными конструкциями (например: . ).

40. The speech of the characters is full of colloquial words (ex). The author’s aim here is .
Речь персонажей наполнена разговорной речью (например: . ). Здесь целью автора является .

41. The text contains some realias (ex.), terms (ex.), professionalism (ex). They make us feel (understand) .
Текст содержит некоторые реалии (например: . ), способы выражения (например: . ), профессионализм (например: . ). Они заставляют нас чувствовать (понимать) .

42. The passage (story) is wholly narrative; wholly a dialogue; partially narrative and partially a dialogue.
Вся история представлена в виде повествования; диалога; частично повествования и частично диалога.

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43. The plot of the passage (story) is built around (is unfolded around; deals with) .
Часть истории построена вокруг (разворачивается вокруг, имеет дело с) .

44. By the way of conclusion I’d like to .
В заключении я хотел бы .

Некоторые другие выражения:
to have a keen eye for details иметь острый глаз на детали/подробности
to make ample use of широко использовать
to bring forth the idea "родить" идею
to convey the idea сообщать/выражать идею
to manifest itself проявлять себя
to be used to convey использованы для передачи
to expose подвергать
to have a great emotional impact on the reader иметь большое эмоциональное воздействие на читателя
to produce a powerful effect on the reader производить сильное воздействие на читателя
to resort to прибегать к
to draw the reader’s attention to обращать внимание читателя на
to open with начинать с
to impart an idea сообщать идею
to be concerned with иметь дело с
to be akin to poetry быть сродни поэзии
to describe sth. with great intensity описывать что-либо с большой интенсивностью/с яркостью
to alternate with чередоваться с
to be emotionally coloured быть эмоционально окрашенным

Работа содержит анализ текста, который может использоваться учителями английского языка для выработки умений работать с текстом в стилистическом направлении.

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«Стилистический анализ текста»

ONCE upon a time there was a woman, and she baked five pies. And when they came out of the oven, they were that overbaked the crusts were too hard to eat. So she says to her daughter: Darter, says she, put you them there pies on the shelf, and leave em there a little, and theyll come again.’ — She meant, you know, the crust would get soft. But the girl, she says to herself: Well, if theyll come again, Ill eat em now. And she set to work and ate em all, first and last.
Well, come supper-time the woman said: Go you, and get one o them there pies. I dare say theyve come again now. The girl went and she looked, and there was nothing but the dishes. So back she came and says she: Noo, they aint come again. Not one of em? says the mother. Not one of em, says she. Well, come again, or not come again, said the woman, Ill have one for supper. But you cant, if they aint come, said the girl. But I can, says she. Go you, and bring the best of em. Best or worst, says the girl, Ive ate em all, and you cant have one till thats come again.
Well, the woman she was done, and she took her spinning to the door to spin, and as she span she sang: My darter ha ate five, five pies today. My darter ha ate five, five pies today.

The king was coming down the street, and he heard her sing, but what she sang he couldnt hear, so he stopped and said: What was that you were singing, my good woman? The woman was ashamed to let him hear what her daughter had been doing, so she sang, instead of that: My darter ha spun five, five skeins today. My darter ha spun five, five skeins today.

Stars o mine! said the king, I never heard tell of anyone that could do that. Then he said: Look you here, I want a wife, and Ill marry your daughter. But look you here, says he, eleven months out of the year she shall have all she likes to eat, and all the gowns she likes to get, and all the company she likes to keep; but the last month of the year shell have to spin five skeins every day, and if she dont I shall kill her. All right, says the woman; for she thought what a grand marriage that was. And as for the five skeins, when the time came, thered be plenty of ways of getting out of it, and likeliest, hed have forgotten all about it. Well, so they were married. And for eleven months the girl had all she liked to eat, and all the gowns she liked to get, and all the company she liked to keep. But when the time was getting over, she began to think about the skeins and to wonder if he had em in mind. But not one word did he say about em, and she thought hed wholly forgotten em.

However, the last day of the last month he takes her to a room shed never set eyes on before. There was nothing in it but a spinning-wheel and a stool. And says he: Now, my dear, here youll be shut in tomorrow with some victuals and some flax, and if you havent spun five skeins by the night, your headll go off. And away he went about his business. Well, she was that frightened, shed always been such a gatless girl, that she didnt so much as know how to spin, and what was she to do tomorrow with no one to come nigh her to help her? She sat down on a stool in the kitchen, and law! how she did cry!

However, all of a sudden she heard a sort of a knocking low down on the door. She upped and oped it, and what should she see but a small little black thing with a long tail. That looked up at her right curious, and that said: ‘What are you a-crying for?’

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‘What’s that to you?’ says she. ‘Never you mind,’ that said, ‘but tell me what you’re a-crying for.’ ‘That won’t do me no good if I do,’ says she. ‘You don’t know that,’ that said, and twirled that’s tail round. ‘Well,’ says she, ‘that won’t do no harm, if that don’t do no good,’ and she upped and told about the pies, and the skeins, and everything. ‘This is what I’ll do,’ says the little black thing. ‘I’ll come to your window every morning and take the flax and bring it spun at night.’ ‘What’s your pay?’ says she. That looked out of the corner of that’s eyes, and that said: ‘I’ll give you three guesses every night to guess my name, and if you haven’t guessed it before the month’s up you shall be mine.’

Well, she thought, she’d be sure to guess that’s name before the month was up. ‘All right,’ says she, ‘I agree.’ ‘All right,’ that says, and law! how that twirled that’s tail. Well, the next day, her husband took her into the room, and there was the flax and the day’s food. ‘Now, there’s the flax,’ says he, ‘and if that ain’t spun up this night, off goes your head.’ And then he went out and locked the door. He’d hardly gone, when there was a knocking against the window. She upped and she oped it, and there sure enough was the little old thing sitting on the ledge. ‘Where’s the flax?’ says he. ‘Here it be,’ says she. And she gave it to him. Well, come the evening a knocking came again to the window. She upped and she oped it, and there was the little old thing with five skeins of flax on his arm. ‘Here it be,’ says he, and he gave it to her. ‘Now, what’s my name?’ says he. ‘What, is that Bill?’ says she. ‘Noo, that ain’t,’ says he, and he twirled his tail. ‘Is that Ned?’ says she. ‘Noo, that ain’t,’ says he, and he twirled his tail. ‘Well, is that Mark?’ says she. ‘Noo, that ain’t,’ says he, and he twirled his tail harder, and away he flew.

Well, when her husband came in, there were the five skeins ready for him. ‘I see I shan’t have to kill you tonight, my dear,’ says he; ‘you’ll have your food and your flax in the morning,’ says he, and away he goes. Well, every day the flax and the food were brought, and every day that there little black thing used to come mornings and evenings. And all the day the girl sat trying to think of names to say to it when it came at night. But she never hit on the right one. And as it got towards the end of the month, the thing began to look so maliceful, and that twirled that’s tail faster and faster each time she gave a guess.

At last it came to the last day but one. The thing came at night along with the five skeins, and that said: ‘What, ain’t you got my name yet?’ ‘Is that Nicodemus?’ says she. ‘Noo, ‘t ain’t,’ that says. ‘Is that Sammle?’ says she. ‘Noo, ‘t ain’t,’ that says. ‘A-well, is that Methusalem?’ says she. ‘Noo, ‘t ain’t that neither,’ that says. Then that looks at her with that’s eyes like a coal of fire, and that says: ‘Woman, there’s only tomorrow night, and then you’ll be mine!’ And away it flew.

Well, she felt that horrid. However, she heard the king coming along the passage. In he came, and when he sees the five skeins, he says, says he: ‘Well, my dear,’ says he. ‘I don’t see but what you’ll have your skeins ready tomorrow night as well, and as I reckon I shan’t have to kill you, I’ll have supper in here tonight.’ So they brought supper, and another stool for him, and down the two sate. Well, he hadn’t eaten but a mouthful or so, when he stops and begins to laugh.

‘What is it?’ says she. ‘A-why,’ says he, ‘I was out a-hunting today, and I got away to a place in the wood I’d never seen before. And there was an old chalk-pit. And I heard a kind of a sort of humming. So I got off my hobby, and I went right quiet to the pit, and I looked down. Well, what should there be but the funniest little black thing you ever set eyes on. And what was that doing, but that had a little spinning-wheel, and that was spinning wonderful fast, and twirling that’s tail. And as that span that sang: ‘Nimmy nimmy not My name’s Tom Tit Tot.’

Well, when the girl heard this, she felt as if she could have jumped out of her skin for joy, but she didn’t say a word. Next day that there little thing looked so maliceful when he came for the flax. And when the night came she heard that knocking against the window panes. She oped the window, and that come right in on the ledge. That was grinning from ear to ear, and Oo! that’s tail was twirling round so fast.

‘What’s my name?’ that says, as that gave her the skeins. ‘Is that Solomon?’ she says, pretending to be afeard. ‘Noo, ‘tain’t,’ that says, and that came further into the room. ‘Well, is that Zebedee?’ says she again. ‘Noo, ‘tain’t,’ says the thing. And then that laughed and twirled that’s tail till you couldn’t hardly see it. ‘Take time, woman,’ that says; ‘next guess, and you’re mine.’ And that stretched out that’s black hands at her. Well, she backed a step or two, and she looked at it, and then she laughed out, and says she, pointing her finger at it: ‘Nimmy nimmy not

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Your name’s Tom Tit Tot.’ Well, when that heard her, that gave an awful shriek and away that flew into the dark, and she never saw it any more

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Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников

План анализа текста или статьи по английскому языку

Автор: учитель английского языка Фитисова Наталья Александровна

МБОУ «Ивановская СОШ»

Для начала давайте разберемся, в чем суть реферирования статьи на английском. Это не просто краткое содержание, пересказ, а анализ. Вам необходимо выделить главную идею, описать главных героев или события, факты. Для всего этого есть вводные структуры, которые необходимо знать. Итак, с чего начать и чем закончить? Мы приведем вам в пример несколько фраз. А вы выбирайте наиболее понравившиеся.

1. Название статьи, автор, стиль.

The article I’m going to give a review of is taken from… — Статья, которую я сейчас хочу проанализировать из…

The headline of the article is — Заголовок статьи …

The author of the article is… — Автор статьи …

It is written by — Она написана …

The article under discussion is … — Статья, которую мне сейчас хочется обсудить, ….

The headline foreshadows… — Заголовок приоткрывает

2. Тема. Логические части .

The topic of the article is… — Тема статьи

The key issue of the article is… — Ключевым вопросом в статье является

The article under discussion is devoted to the problem… — Статью , которую мы обсуждаем , посвящена проблеме …

The author in the article touches upon the problem of… — В статье автор затрагивает проблему ….

I’d like to make some remarks concerning… — Я бы хотел сделать несколько замечаний по поводу…

I’d like to mention briefly that… — Хотелось бы кратко отметить …

I’d like to comment on the problem of… — Я бы хотел прокомментировать проблему …

The article under discussion may be divided into several logically connected parts which are … — Статья может быть разделена на несколько логически взаимосвязанных частей , таких как …

3. Краткое содержание.

The author starts by telling the reader that — Автор начинает, рассказывая читателю, что

At the beginning of the story the author — В начале истории автор

touches upon — затрагивает

makes a few critical remarks on — делает несколько критических замечаний о

The story begins (opens) with a (the)

description of — описанием

introduction of — представлением

the mention of — упоминанием

the analysis of a summary of — кратким анализом

the characterization of — характеристикой

(author’s) opinion of — мнением автора

author’s recollections of — воспоминанием автора

the enumeration of — перечнем

The scene is laid in … — Действие происходит в …

The opening scene shows (reveals) … — Первая сцена показывает ( раскрывает ) …

We first see (meet) … (the name of a character) as … — Впервые мы встречаемся с ( имя главного героя или героев )

In conclusion the author

dwells on — останавливается на

points out — указывает на то

mocks at — издевается над

gives a summary of — дает обзор

4. Отношение автора к отдельным моментам.

The author gives full coverage to… — Автор дает полностью охватывает …

The author outlines… — Автор описывает

The article contains the following facts…./ describes in details… — Статья содержит следующие факты …. / подробно описывает

The author starts with the statement of the problem and then logically passes over to its possible solutions. — Автор начинает с постановки задачи, а затем логически переходит к ее возможным решениям.

The author asserts that… — Автор утверждает , что …

The author resorts to … to underline… — Автор прибегает к …, чтобы подчеркнуть …

Let me give an example… — Позвольте мне привести пример …

5. Вывод автора.

In conclusion the author says / makes it clear that…/ gives a warning that… — В заключение автор говорит / проясняет , что … / дает предупреждение , что …

At the end of the story the author sums it all up by saying … — В конце рассказа автор подводит итог всего этого , говоря …

The author concludes by saying that../ draws a conclusion that / comes to the conclusion that — В заключение автор говорит, что .. / делает вывод, что / приходит к выводу, что

6. Выразительные средства, используемые в статье.

To emphasize … the author uses… — Чтобы акцентировать внимание … автор использует

To underline … the author uses… Чтобы подчеркнуть … автор использует

To stress… — Усиливая

Balancing… — Балансируя

7. Ваш вывод.

Taking into consideration the fact that — Принимая во внимание тот факт , что

The message of the article is that /The main idea of the article is — Основная идея статьи ( послание автора )

In addition… / Furthermore… — Кроме того

On the one hand…, but on the other hand … — С одной стороны …, но с другой стороны …

Back to our main topic… — Вернемся к нашей основной теме

To come back to what I was saying… — Чтобы вернуться к тому, что я говорил

In conclusion I’d like to… — В заключение я хотел бы …

From my point of view … — С моей точки зрения …

As far as I am able to judge… — Насколько я могу судить .

My own attitude to this article is … — Мое личное отношение к

I fully agree with / I don’t agree with — Я полностью согласен с/ Я не согласен с

It is hard to predict the course of events in future, but there is some evidence of the improvement of this situation. Трудно предсказать ход событий в будущем, но есть некоторые свидетельства улучшения.

I have found the article dull / important / interesting /of great value — Я нахожу статью скучной / важной/ интересной/ имеющую большое значение (ценность)

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