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Adblock plus edge windows 10


Система Windows 10 дала миру Microsoft Edge. Он работает на компьютерах, мобильных устройствах после установки Windows 10. Стал заменой Internet Explorer 11 версии, мобильному варианту Internet Explorer.

Как убрать рекламу в Microsoft Edge?

Нужно загрузить установочный файл с оф. сайта. В Adguard предусмотрены необходимые преднастройки, благодаря чему помощник функционирует сразу после установки. Не придётся делать вспомогательную настройку для защиты от рекламы. Приложение берёт немного памяти, нагрузки на процессор почти нет.

В Adguard стоит воспользоваться дополнительной функцией. В окошке есть небольшой щит зелёного цвета, расположенный в правом нижнем уголке — значок Adguard, заменившего расширения Adblock для Internet Explorer. Он позволит выбрать фильтр из браузера — сделать блокировку элемента, занести веб-сайт в исключения (без блокировки рекламного контента), пожаловаться на ресурс и прочее. Такая же работа у Adblock Plus для Edge.

Установка, запуск

Задача антибаннеров, веб-фильтров — запрет на демонстрацию дистанционной рекламы. Пользователь сможет просматривать и прослушивать только необходимое. Также программы-блокировщики защищают от вредоносных, фишинговых онлайн-страниц.

Finally! Adblock Plus for Microsoft Edge now available for 350 million Windows 10 users · 2016-08-02 14:00 by Oleksandr Paraska

Today, Microsoft is releasing the big Anniversary Update to Windows 10. Among other changes to the operating system, this brings support for extensions to Microsoft Edge. Which means that people running Windows 10 can install Adblock Plus for Microsoft Edge, and start blocking annoying advertisements in Microsoft’s new standard browser. (Please note that according to Microsoft, the Windows 10 update will be rolled out over a few months, so if you cannot install Adblock Plus and other extensions today, Microsoft will surely deliver your update soon.)

As you may already know, Adblock Plus was already available for Microsoft Edge before but could only be installed by participants of Microsoft’s Windows Insider Program. Today marks a release to the general public and we are very excited to welcome all Microsoft Edge users to the ad blocking community.

After years of development and support of Adblock Plus for Internet Explorer we very much welcome Microsoft’s bold attempt to move to standards based approaches with Microsoft Edge. One of the upsides of this approach is that our current implementation of Adblock Plus for Microsoft Edge is based on the code of Adblock Plus for Chrome, unlike the entirely separate codebase for Internet Explorer.

We have been working closely with Microsoft to bring this version to life, and we feel very grateful for the opportunity. However, since Adblock Plus for Microsoft Edge is still in early development stage, there still are some issues and limitations. Most notably we are currently limited in the amount of space we have to store your filter subscriptions. So some of the heavy users might find that adding more than one or two subscriptions will not work. There are also a few other issues, which is why we have decided to keep the Beta title for now. Nevertheless, we are still committed to bypass most of the limitations in future releases.

We hope you enjoy using Adblock Plus on Microsoft Edge, and as always please feel free to report any issues.

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Comment [24]

Anon · 2016-08-02 15:15 · #

How about AdBlock Plus on Edge for Windows mobile? Do you know a date when extensions will be available on mobile?

Reply from Oleksandr Paraska:

Microsoft Edge on Windows Mobile does not currently support extensions and we are not currently working on a version of Adblock Plus for that platform. However we will surely try to be the first in line to release a version for Windows Mobile (and XBox) when it is possible.

Phil · 2016-08-02 18:18 · #

I would like to download the .appx file without going through the Windows Store. Could you guys put the file for the Edge extension on your site? Currently, it is possible to download the extension file for other browsers (e.g., https://downloads.adblockplus.org/adblockpluschrome-1.12.1.crx).

Reply from Wladimir Palant:

Unfortunately, our builds wouldn’t be signed which means that they won’t install. And downloading the package from Windows Store is a non-trivial exercise to say the least. As things are now, there isn’t really a way around Windows Store.

Peter Arentsen · 2016-08-02 20:41 · #

Any hint for when I have problem getting the addon to work in edge it installs in the store but no addon show up in the extension bar.

Gromith · 2016-08-02 21:16 · #

Same here, Installation ends with “This app does not support the contract specified or is not installed” 🙁

Ciccio · 2016-08-02 21:29 · #

Error during install. Can’t install after Windows 10 upgrade release today

hjl · 2016-08-02 21:36 · #

cant even download the Extension in Windows store

Albert · 2016-08-02 22:21 · #

I have downloaded the app from the store but it says it’s must be repaired and I can’t get it running by reinstalling the app.

ahmad · 2016-08-02 22:36 · #

same for me
I have downloaded the app from the store but it says it’s must be repaired and I can’t get it running by reinstalling the app

Jazz · 2016-08-03 01:27 · #

I had an issue installing the extension too, said I needed to repair. I fixed it by going to:

Start > Settings > Apps and Features > uninstall extension > reinstall from the Windows Store.

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Hope this helps.

Katie · 2016-08-03 01:30 · #

Installed adblock plus on windows 10 desktop after todays update, store says needs repair and a reinstall does not fix the issue also tried a sfc scan to no avail

Benjamin · 2016-08-03 06:57 · #

Is there any regional restriction at the moment for downloading ABP from Windows Store? I’m from Germany. When I click in the Windows Store on your Extensions i can see the product page, but there is no install button for me. Is there any solution or workaround?

For all the others that have difficulties with the “extension needs to be repaired” thing I can provide a solution:

1) Close all open Applications
2) Goto Settings (control panel) —> System —> Apps & Features and deinstall all your installed edge extensions.
3) Open Windows PowerShell and enter wsreset.exe and wait untill the Windows Store opens itself. (Took about 2 Minutes for me, don’t panic if it takes a while till something happens).
4) Go to Edge browser and download the extensions again.

Reply from Oleksandr Paraska:

Yes, currently ABP for Edge is not available in Germany. You should be able to install it from any other Windows Store region though.

thanks for this post.

Michael Dutton · 2016-08-04 11:04 · #

Benjamin, I’ve tried this and still have no joy in getting the extensions to install on my machine in the UK.

Thanks for trying to help though.

Currently raising a ticket with Microsoft.

If I get this resolved I’ll try to post a solution, but I have a feeling that Microsoft will have to be fixing this.

Peter Arentsen, Adblock Plus for Edge does not show up in the taskbar, only at the top of the browser’s main drop-down menu.

bystander · 2016-08-04 23:34 · #

Installed ABP after the anniversary update.
The extension is in Edge but disabled. Hitting “Activate” does nothing except graying out the activate command.
Restarted the computer but still no cigar.

Richard · 2016-08-05 02:54 · #

Same for me. Except I was using Adblock. And I tried ADP . All extensions don’t work for me, even if I try to install new ones.

Mark · 2016-08-06 01:08 · #

I’ve been holding off on using Edge since it d >ABP immediately available for Edge when the Windows 10 Anniversary update came out. Now it’s time to put Edge through a thorough trial and see if it can “edge” out Chrome or not!

Most of the ad blockers are like adwares which harms browser and user a lot and i used ad blocker it is really awesome

Anonymous · 2016-08-10 22:44 · #

On some of my PCs I don’t use the Windows Store — no login setup and none desired. I suppose this is going to be increasingly problematic, but so far ABP is the ONLY app that is unavailable with this approach.

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Is there any hope for a workaround? I get that this is 100% Microsoft’s design, not your choice. Is it just the Edge architecture?

Anonymous1302 · 2016-08-13 23:06 · #

Why is this great extension not available in the german Windows store? It doesn’t even show up in the store if I manually search for it, and if I use a direct link all I get is “This app is currently not available.”

It is however available in the Windows store in other countries, but I don’t want to play with my settings just to setup an extension.

So why is it not available in Germany? You’re a german company after all. 🙂

Adblock Plus available for Microsoft Edge before but could only be installed by participants of Microsoft’s Windows Insider Program i would suggest all of you to use that

I used this latest version and believe me it don’t have any adware like other adblockers

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